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Richard Rodgers Theatre

Richard Rodgers Theatre

Richard Rodgers Theatre

Panaši patirtis

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Bilietai į: Hamilton


Nuo 105,50 €

Hamilton is a new musical about the scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America - no other than Alexander Hamilton.

Svarbiausia informacija

- Ensure your tickets to this incredible Broadway musical  
- Get the best available seats within your chosen category 
- Listen to songs inspired by rap, jazz, hip-hop, R&B and blues
- Enjoy a great story performed by a cast of diversity

Ko galiu tikėtis?

This musical tells the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. 

Hamilton is an immigrant from the West Indies, who meets a group of famous politicians and soldiers, and impresses them with his rhetorical skills. His political career grows and eventually he becomes George Washington's right-hand man. Although politics and human rights are in his focus, he falls in love with a woman named Elizabeth, and for a while it seems as if he has found happiness.

But the Revolutionary War is approaching, Hamilton's marriage and love for Elizabeth begins to fade, and rumors of Hamilton having an affair with another woman begins to spread. Is it possible for Hamilton to focus on what's actually important to him? And can he actually help shape the foundations of America, which he truly believes in?

Hamilton is written and composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who originated the role of Alexander Hamilton on Broadway and also won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2016 for the Broadway musical. The score of the musical blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B and Broadway. The talented cast is diverse, which is done so to create focus on the important message.

This is the story of America then, as told by America now. 

Kaip tai veikia?

How do I get my tickets?
You will receive you booking confirmation shortly after your booking is complete.

Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you within 24 hours. Mobile tickets are accepted.

When booking tickets for a musical in New York you will always be granted best seats available at the time of your booking. We have no influence on the exact seat and row number, as it is solely the theater that can appoint the seats. These cannot be changed or altered as they were the best available seats at the time of your booking.

Darbo laikas

Please check the booking calendar for date and time.

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Rodyti informaciją


Richard Rodgers Theatre

226 West 46th Street New York NY US


Pagalba anglų kalba

521 406 67 521 406 67

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