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Bilietai į: The Fifth Step

The Fifth Step

Nuo 63,10 €

Martin Freeman (Sherlock, The Hobbit, The Office) and Jack Lowden (low Horses, Dunkirk, Fighting with my Family) star in the London West End premiere of David Ireland’s The Fifth Step!

Svarbiausia informacija

- Martin Freeman and Jack Lowden in the leading roles.
- Ensure your tickets to this audience favorite
- Choose your own seats

Ko galiu tikėtis?

The first step is honesty. The second step is faith. The third step is surrender. The fourth step is faith. The fifth step might destroy it all.

On the journey to sobriety, James (Martin Freeman) and Luka (Jack Lowden) bond over black coffee as they trade stories and build a fragile friendship out of their shared experiences.

However, as they enter the fifth step in the program, their conversations turn to confessionals, and not everyone is ready to hear the truth. With progress hinging on the balance, will the pair be able to tip the scales in their favour?

The Fifth Step in London's West End is an intimate portrayal of addiction and admission, and is not one to be missed.

Kaip tai veikia?

How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.

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The Fifth Step


Pagalba anglų kalba

521 406 67 521 406 67

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