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Bilietai į: The Producers

The Producers

Nuo 28,10 €

It's a disaster, a catastrophe, an outrage!
Based on the classic cult film, the original Broadway production won a record twelve Tony Awards, and skewers Broadway traditions, taking no prisoners as it proudly proclaims itself an “equal opportunity offender!”

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- Ensure your tickets to this audience favorite
- Seen the movie? Now go laugh at the Musical!
- Choose your own seats

Ko galiu tikėtis?

Based on the classic cult film, the original Broadway production won a record twelve Tony Awards, and skewers Broadway traditions, taking no prisoners as it proudly proclaims itself an “equal opportunity offender!”

Convinced that you can make more money from a flop than a hit, Max Bialystock, a down-on-his-luck Broadway producer, and Leo Bloom, a timid accountant with dreams of grandeur hatch a scheme to produce the worst show ever conceived. After scouring the big apple for some seriously rotten ideas, “Springtime for Hitler” is born.

However, when their sure-fire disaster turns into an unexpected hit, chaos ensues. Featuring outrageous gags, dazzling musical numbers, and unforgettable characters (with inconceivably long names), The Producers is a laugh-out-loud spectacle that celebrates the absurdity of show business.

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Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.

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